Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Anniversary Baby....

gotcha on my mind. I love teasing my husband by singing that every year on our anniversary, esp. since I can't carry a tune to save my life. Well, if you haven't guessed, it's our anniversary today. I wouldn't usually post about something that obviously is only interesting to a select few, but it has been 20 years since we got married and I feel the need to share!

Unfortunately, we can't celebrate today because my husband had to work and we have my oldest daughter's open house at school tonight, but we are going out on Friday to our favorite restaurant, The Hydeholde. It's the only time I get to dress up and act like an adult :)

Last night, when we were at my middle daughter's open house, my oldest surprised us by baking a cake for our anniversary. How sweet! (see why I call them sweetflutterbys?!) She used a box cake mix and added lots of color with purple and blue tint. Then she covered the cake with a glaze and decorated with chocolate chips. Buying a cake from the best bakery in the world would not have made me as happy as I was last night.

Happy Anniversary to my husband! We made it, didn't we?

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