Monday, October 26, 2009

The Flu

I was really hoping that the flu was going to pass us by this year, but no such luck. My middle daughter came down with it this weekend and now my oldest has it. Different symptoms for each but I think both have the flu. I'm a little scared my youngest will get it. He is only 6 and according to the news, he is in the most dangerous age range for fighting this. Scary stuff.

Most of my kids' classmates are out with it as well. It seems to have come early and hard this year. Our pediatrician says there is no way to tell if someone has the H1N1 flu unless the doc sends blood to a lab to be tested. She suggested we just assume that is what the kids have and wait it out unless the kids have trouble breathing.

I'm doing a lot of praying this week!


Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I hope your children only have mild cases of the flu. And I hope you avoid catching it. Our local schools are hard hit too.

Sweetflutterbys3 said...

It seems pretty mild for a flu. I'm sterlizing everything in the house, including my hands, several times a day! Gotta be healthy to take care of all the kids!