Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Fun

On our trip to Virginia, we picked up some nice pumpkins to carve as well as a new kit called Pumpkin Surface Carver. I'd never seen anything like it before. The kit comes with two plastic carvers each with a U shaped and a V shaped small metal attachment, a booklet full of patterns and glow in the dark paint. You tape the pattern you want onto the pumpkin and punch out the holes outlining the pattern. Then you use the carvers to carve out the surface of the pumpkin. When you are done, you use rubbing alcohol to seal the design and let it dry for 24 hours. Then you can apply the glow in the dark paint inside the design. The result is a really cool glow in the dark pumpkin and very happy kids!

“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
-Henry David Thoreau


queen of everything said...

we bought fake pumpkins a few years back and carve at least one new one a year. it's nice because they don't rot, and we get to use them over again. we usually buy at least one real pumpkin to carve a year.

CountryDew said...

Those are some cool pumpkins!

Sweetflutterbys3 said...

queen- I've seen those fake pumpkins in the stores this year. I think that is an excellent idea! It's kind of sad when the real ones rot.

Dew- Thanks!

Kateryna said...

Those are some great looking pumpkins!